[The following infographics were originally published by Visualizing Impact.]
The Long Run
This graphic shows the struggle that the region`s youth must counter in their struggle to reach the age of independence. The weight of multiple social and economic factors in the region have kept youth from finding a first job and ultimately reaching the financial security to afford to marry and become independent from their families. Created in collaboration with Silatech, our hope is that this graphic will start news conversations about this critical challenge facing a generation.
On the Brink
To show the staggering amount of unemployed young people in MENA, we collaborated with the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation to create a visual that compares this large demographic of young people across the Arab world to the total population of a dozen European Union cities. In the graphic, plates represent the inhabitants of cities from the European Union`s first member states, while a large plater represents the lack of opportunity for the 7.4M young people unable to find work.